Tuesday, July 15, 2014

No Meal..Go Fish

The biggest thing I have learned about eating healthy is that it requires you to be prepared as much as possible with meals. When it comes to weekdays I usually try to go grocery shopping and make some meals on Sunday to last me the week. Then there are those weekends that get away from me; next thing I know it's Monday and I get home from a busy day of work with no dinner pre-prepared. When this happens there are a few options.. order in food, throw together a quick something you aren't even sure what it is, eat Doritos (fill in your favorite food) or my favorite new option...fish!

Two of my coworkers told me about bags of fish they bought at Shoprite (most grocery stores carry them). The fish are individually packaged giving you the option of cooking 1 or 4 and nothing will go bad because you didn't make it right away, plus it makes it easy to store them in the freezer for the next time you need a quick meal. I figured I would give it a shot and tried the salmon. Wow was I pleasantly surprised!! It came out mouthwatering delicious, and even better it was quick and easy! I didn't even have to defrost the fish first (who has time for that after work). 

Healthy Baked Fish Recipe
Frozen salmon, seasoning of choice, butter and you have a healthy meal in minutes

Fish of your choice (I've used salmon and tilapia with these ingredients)
Fresh cut garlic 
Seasoning of your choice...I prefer Mrs. Dash herb and garlic 
Parmesan cheese

Preheat the over to 350F. Spray a pan or baking sheet with PAM, this is so the fish doesn't stick. In an effort to have less clean-up, because admit it who likes to clean, I like to use disposable pans. Once your fillet(s) are placed in the pan or baking sheet sprinkle the seasoning on the top and bottom, then the parmesan cheese on top, finish by adding the garlic pieces on top and around the fillet and place about a teaspoon of butter on each filet. Tada ready cook. Place in the oven for approximately 15 min. Cooking times vary on filet sizes and ovens. 

Salmon and garlic health meal
Salmon is prepared and  ready to cook

After about 15 minutes or when the fish is mostly cooked I put the oven on broil. I love the parmesan cheese and garlic to get a little crispy. After about a minute (again depends on oven) I take it out and drool at my latest creation. 

salmon meal made easy
L: salmon fresh out of the oven, see little crispy outside.
R: A complete and healthy meal in less than 30 minutes

Hope this helps you, like it did me, get through some hungry meals. Salmon can be a meal for almost any time of the day. Have leftovers for breakfast or lunch too! Oh and stay tuned for some side dish ideas including the zucchini one above. 

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