Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Condo Grilling

My love of grilling has definitely been stifled a little by the fact that I can't have an outdoor grill in my condo complex. I am on the second floor and it's a fire hazard. So for those of you out there with similar situations, I feel your pain...until now!  My parents surprised me this weekend with an indoor electric grill by Presto. At first I was a little skeptical; I had owned a George Foreman in the past and was not impressed at all. My mom said she read reviews online about it and it came highly recommended. I didn't want to get my hopes up too much, but was really wishing this would be the answer to my grilling dreams.

Condo and apartment grilling made easy
Presto Indoor Grill - Goes for about $40 in the store and so worth it!
Fits perfectly for smaller kitchens like condos and apartments

So what's a girl to do with a new grill? She goes food shopping! I picked up a pack of rib eye steaks, assorted pork cuts and spare ribs, zucchini and salmon.. I decided to start with the assorted pork cuts/ribs. There were calling my name. A little salt and pepper, brushed them with olive oil and on they went. I preheated the grill to 400 degrees so when I put them on it was instant cooking and boy did it smell cook. I left them on there until they started getting that little bit of crispy look and then turned them over. The excess grease and fat dripped off nicely and was caught by the drip pan attached, helping to keep it a healthy meal.

grilling assorted pork cuts
You can see the charred crispy grill marks...drooling yet
The little hole at the bottom is catching the excess grease and fat

They looked amazing, but how did they taste?  Well, I was impressed and very stuffed because I didn't want to stop eating them. They came out a little crispy, a lot juicy, and so filling. I will definitely be making them again and really soon.

grilled indoor pork ribs
I still can't believe these were made on an indoor electric grill
Thank you Presto!

Now that I told you how easy it was to make the ribs, I have to tell you the cleanup was even easier!! Once the grill cooled off a little I disconnected the electrical portion of the unit (it just pops out), ran some warm water and soap over it. No scrubbing needed. Tada all clean. Come on you can't get easier than that. Oh wait you can, if you really dislike hand washing, the entire unit is dishwasher safe.

I can't wait to try more things on there. I think next is rib eye steaks with grilled zucchini. The best part is I can make them in my own condo space and it doesn't even matter what the weather is outside. The fun has just begun!

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