Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Just One of Those Weeks

You know those days where before 9 am you already know it's going to be a rough one. The day starts with you fumbling through your morning routine. You get to work and realize you left a bag at home you needed and have to run home. You spill your coffee. You make it through the day and drag yourself to the gym and then find out your trainer resigned and now you have to start with someone new. Well that was my Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday were pretty similar. Now I am not writing all this to complain or make you feel bad for me, but I am writing this because of the outcome.

Funny Bad Mood

I woke up this morning and felt like a kid, I don't want to get out of bed. You can't make me...who am I trying to kid I am going to work. The good news is I like my job so it didn't take much to talk myself to get moving. I had some coffee, a good breakfast, packed my snacks and gym bag for later and off I went. Let's just say the week was being consistent. By the afternoon I was sitting at my desk thinking I need my couch, I am going to skip the gym tonight and just go home and relax and do nothing. The more I thought about it, the more I realized by not going to the gym later I was hurting myself more. I knew I would sit on the couch all night thinking about how I let myself down by not working out. I thought about how great it felt to get dressed for an event the other day and I didn't have to suck in my gut to feel good. I thought that it is just a bad week, but it's going to get better and when it's better I still want to feel good in my skin. Around the time I was thinking this my coworker came in and we ended up laughing about some silly stuff. I mean full on belly laughs, it felt great. My entire body enjoyed the feeling of laughter. I held onto that and my determination and went to the gym.  I didn't do weights but I did a great cardio workout and treated myself to some fresh fruit from the farmers market on my way home.

Respect Yourself

As I was enjoying my fresh fruit I got to thinking that a month ago a week like this would have brought me to me knees, well couch. I would have skipped the gym, picked up a bag of Doritos, a chocolate bar and regretted it all the next day. Now I know the week isn't over, but I feel stronger than I have in the past and confident in myself and that is a great feeling. Life happens, for the first time I think I might be onto something, how to deal with the good times and the not so good. So in sticking with the positive thinking I will say that I am hopeful the rest of the week is full of way more laughter and fun!

Every day smile and think positive

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