Monday, June 16, 2014

All or Nothing

Growing up my mom used to tell me to stop looking at things as either black or white; sometimes there is grey. It used to drive me crazy when she would say that, until I started realizing she was right. Mom if you are reading this, I am 100% admitting you are right and thank you for always saying that line to me. Gray area to me equals the middle of all or nothing.

I've been using this all or nothing mentality for the longest time with working out. Unless I could do a full high intensity workout I would think what is the point. Now I am learning that even a little bit is better than nothing. Some days, weeks, months, are busier than others so instead of saying I can't do an hour I won't do anything, I now do what I can. If I can give 20 minutes I give a hardworking 20 minutes.

The other thing I learned is that a little bit can go a long way. I fully admit that a few weeks ago I could not do one push up. Not even using my knees. I felt like such a let down to myself. I have recently become more determined than ever to nail push-ups. Every day I have to at least try. It may sound like a long process, but as of today I can do 6 beautiful push-ups and I am feeling pretty accomplished. I know I have lots of work ahead of me, but this is a great start and it is just a reminder that my hard work is paying off. It may not happen overnight like I would like but it is happening.

So drop and give me 10 or 6 or 1! Just don't stop trying.

I used my new ipad camera timer app. 
Pretty neat, but next time I promise better lighting

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