Monday, June 30, 2014

Hair and Skin and Mosquitos...Oh My!!

As I've mentioned I love summer! There is something wonderful about the sun on my skin, relaxing at the pool, so many delicious fruits available, tons of events and festivals to wander around at, and of course my favorite BBQ!

Not only does the warmer weather mean it's time to switch out the clothes in the closet, but it also means time to switch up the products I use. I thought I would share some of my fun finds and maybe you will try one or more and love it too.

Let's talk hair! I have naturally wavy hair with a mind of it's own. I have been searching for products that I can use on my hair to help control the craziness. I believe I have found the solution!! While wandering around the store one day I came across the clearance rack with some hair products that sounded interesting all for $.97 each, I thought why not. The next day I tried the products in my hair and was pleasantly surprised! When my hair is damp I put a dime size amount of the Organix kukui oil through it, once it dries a little more I spray the Organix sea salt spray and reapply during the day if my waves get flat. My hair actually had a nice beach wave going on and it lasted for most of the day. I promise next time I decide to go wavy for the day I will add a picture. 

Curly Hair Solutions
Organix Kukui Oil and Moroccan Sea Salt Spray

While I have enjoyed the beachy waves and how quickly it can be done, I prefer my hair straight. Anyone with curly/wavy hair who straightens it knows moisture, humidity, dampness, whatever word you prefer, equals a bad hair day. New Jersey summers are full of many humid days. In the same clearance rack I found straightening products and thought, why not. So after my wavy hair day success I went for the straight look. I loved that the Orgsnix smooth perfection cream was to protect my hair from heat as well as helping with frizz. Once my hair was dry I used my straightening iron and then applied a very small amount of the Organix macadamia oil. That oil smells wonderful!! Between both products my hair was shining and looked silky smooth all day, even going from the air conditioning to the humid outside. 

Smooth Hair Solutions
Organix Moroccan Smooth Perfection Cream and Macadamia Oil 

Let's face it what we use in the shower is just as important as everything we use after. I color my hair so I look for products that won't strip the color and even help it last longer. I'm a big fan of L'oreal products and these three get two thumbs up each. I use the color vibrancy shampoo every day and I rotate between the EverPure color care smoothing conditioning and the EverPure color care moisture conditioner. Keeps my hair from getting dried out and straw-like. And I love my color! 

Color Safe Hair Solutions
L'Oreal EverPure Color Care Smooth Conditioner, L'Oreal Color Vibrancy Shampoo, and
L'Oreal EverPure Color Care Moisture Conditioner

Hair is important, but we can't forget to skin. The sun brings warmth but it also brings UVA/UVB waves. I'm not sure what that stands for, but I do know those waves are dangerous and can cause sun burns and leave you vulnerable to skin cancer. When I was younger my mom would tell me to wear lotion, I of course thought using tanning spray was a better idea. That was until The dermatologist had to have to spots removed two suspicious dots from my arm and chest. I got lucky with those, but figured I better try and avoid that again! Now I use sunscreen. Before heading out to the pool I love applying Hawaiian Tropic silk hydration in SPF 30. The smell alone will make you feel like you are on vacation and it leaves your skin so smooth while protecting. The after sun is great for the skin as well and helps hydrate after you have been in the sun all day.

Sunscreen and After Sun
Hawaiian Tropic Silk Hydration SPF 30 and After Sun Lotion

The sun is on you even when you aren't laying out hoping for a tan so don't forget to apply sunscreen whenever you leave the house. If you are like me, the chances of your remembering are slim until you realize you are getting burned and forgot to use sunscreen. I came across this wonderful Eucerine Daily moisturizer that has SPF 15 in it. I put it on as soon as I dry off after my shower and I know at least I have that protecting me. It goes on so light and smooth and really leaves my skin hydrated. This really came in handy this weekend. I was out with my taking photos for my fire department at a large drill for 3 hours with the sun besting down on us. No shade. I did end up getting a little color, but had I not applied the Eucerine sunscreen I would have been in bad shape and really sunburnt. I'm so glad I got that lotion! At night when I want some extra lotion after the dry air conditioning air I love cvs brand cocoa butter. Another one with a smell that makes you feel like you are on vacation.

Skin Protection and Extra Moisture
Eucerin Daily Protection Lotion with SPF 15 and CVS Brand Cocoa Butter lotion 

The last item I think is important enough to bring up has to do with all the bugs! Humid air and warm weather brings out some creepy crawlers, especially Mosquitos and ticks. No thanks!! Knowing I was walking in the park the other day I picked up a can of Off! spray since it was on sale and I hoped it was good. This stuff wasn't just good it was great. I sprayed it and my dad didn't, some bugs enjoyed him but I didn't notice any. The spray itself went on and dried right away and didn't smell at all. I will be stashing this in my car for moments I find myself outside and need to spray. 

Dry Bug Spray
OFF! Deep Woods Dry Spray

Hopefully you find one product you might want to try or have tried. I would love to hear feedback and if you have any products you think I would enjoy please feel free to let me know. I love finding new great products and sharing! 

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Change of Scenery

Weekdays for me are pretty routine. Get up and get ready for work. Go to work. Go to gym. Then usually home with the occasionally meeting or drill at the firehouse on Tuesday. Weekends are my random. Anything is possible on the weekend. But my favorite random is when I get up a little earlier and go for a walk outside. Fresh air, sunshine, room to breathe and enjoy the air, squirrels and birds.

The last few weeks have been crazy, nonstop. Some fun stuff and some not so fun stuff, but either way I was starting to noticed all the noise in my head. What noise am I talking about you ask? The noise of always thinking, thinking, thinking, planning, wondering...okay you get the point. By last night I was torn between going to bed and pulling the covers over my head and sleeping late since it was going to be Saturday or wanting to change up my day. Maybe changing things was just what I needed to clear the noise. But how was I going to do it? I mentioned it to my dad who suggested I try a park path he likes to ride his bike on. My dad rides anywhere between 20-30 miles a day on his bicycle, and has found so many neat areas, paths, and adventures. I loved the idea, but had never been there before; usually I just walk around my town in a big circle. I googled the park and found a map of the are, and thought to myself "I need to go there". My dad knew I was a little nervous since I didn't know the area; he offered to go with me and skip his bike ride for a day. I felt bad he was going to miss his daily ride, but he assured me it was good for him to switch up his routine too and he wanted to go. Outside, I played it cool, inside I was more excited than a kid on their birthday!

Adventure Trails
Pic from one of my dad's rides. 
We love to see where he goes!

Saturday morning I woke up even before my alarm, my dad came and picked me up and off we went!! We started walking and I can't even explain the sense of freedom that came over me. Everything bothering me, the noise included was gone. It was just my dad and me walking along a beautiful trail, the sun shining, the birds chirping, he and I catching up. He showed me where he likes to go on his bicycle rides and gave me some tips about the area. We also talked about his new iphone app called Cyclemeter. The app tracks his location on rides and even does his calories, speed, distance, all of that neat stuff. In addition, the app sends out an email or text every 30 min to let my mom, my sister, and me know where he is. This way we can't lose him. I checked it out when I got home and the app also syncs with my calorie counting app/program called myfitnesspal. Since I'm looking to explore more I thought this would be a great app to use. I downloaded it and will be using it on my next walk around town or out on a new adventure. 

Lake Views in the Park
Park views and 9/11 Memorial in the park

We finished up and I am already thinking about when I get back there again. It's amazing how a change of sceanery and good company can totally help you regroup, refocus, and feel relief from the daily grind and noise. I told my dad how much I enjoyed the walk, but I don't think he really knows how much he helped me today and how just by him offering to go with me made my day! 

Water View from the trail
Views from along the path. I told the deer to smile, but he didn't listen

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Grill Inspiration

Over the last few months I have enjoyed cooking, more than I ever thought I would. I've learned about how to cook a variety of meats and fish, how to cut different veggies, and learned that I do in fact like my food with different spices and flavors. I know I have a lot more to learn and thanks to my mom, Food Network channel, google and my coworkers I know my skills will continue to improve and I will keep learning. But there has always been one method of cooking that intimidated me, 1 method that I feared, 1 method I said I will not be learning....the outdoor grill.

Growing up when it was time to grill that was and still is my mom's baby. For Mother's Day this year my dad surprised my mom with a new grill. My mom is an amazing grill master and when she isn't grilling my brother in law is. Between the two of them I am usually set for summer BBQ food. There was no reason for me to learn, not to mention I live on the second floor of my condo unit and we don't have grills. And then last night happened....

I was at my firehouse helping out during a special drill, I think they said there were about 40 firefighters in attendance. A bunch of us associate members were going to cook and have food ready for them during the break time. We decided to use leftover buns and light up the grill. My friend Doug was helping us out since he didn't need the course and while I was helping him bring out the burgers I was suddenly curious and inspired...I wanted to learn how to cook on the grill! I asked him to teach me and he handed me the spatula and said absolutely! 

Grilling Fun
Here I am grilling away!

I never knew grilling could be so much fun and also how strategic it can be. Moving burgers and hot dogs around so everything cooked evenly and not burnt. Turning up the flame and then turning down the flame. I confess 2 burgers did not survive my first round, pretty sure they could be compared to hockey pucks, but our captain's dog loved them. As the guys piled out and started eating it was nice to hear them enjoying and yes they teased me I might need a fire truck to put out the flames. It was the most fun I've had cooking!! I did even try one of my own burgers (minus the bun) and I must say it was pretty darn good! I hope we do that again soon and I'm hoping my mom will let me try it out on her grill with her teaching me some tips. 

I love having fun learning about food and new techniques and I love conquering burger at a time!! 

Monday, June 23, 2014

When Migraines Attack!

I figure since I have shared some major success stories on here it is only fair I share the weak moments as well. My Friday night boardwalk success left me giddy and excited. I thought if I can get through that and stay on track I can conquer anything. Turns out a 1.5 day migraine can conquer me. It started late Saturday and I couldn't seem to shake it, even after I took my prescription medicine. As I laid on the couch trying to focus through the pain all I could think about food. I'm not sure if everyone gets weird cravings when they get a migraine, but I know I do. No matter how hard I tried to fight it, I knew I was losing the battle when I got up and hit my pantry. 2 Pure Protein bars later (I didn't even know I still had any) and complete exhaustion I finally fell asleep.

Migraines without the fun

I woke up the next morning feeling like I got hit by a big truck. I was hung over without the fun party from the night before. I decided to just roll with it and laid in bed most of the morning. I finally got up and made a good healthy breakfast and plopped on the couch. I still wasn't feeling like myself so I slept on and off during the day. Anyone who knows me, knows this is not normal behavior for me. By the time I woke up late afternoon I was starving and all I wanted was protein! I ate leftover cheesey burger pie, eggs, and more cheesey burger pie. My guess is I never fully kicked the first migraine and it was lingering in the background. 

Pet Love
Chelsea kept me company on the couch all day

When I woke up this morning I was still woozy but determined. The scale and my pants reminded me of my food choices and quantity eaten. I'm hoping that it's water weight showing on the scale and will be gone ASAP! I did my normal routine, packed my gym bag, had my healthy delicious breakfast and went on with my day hoping it would be better. I straightened out some things that were lingering on my mind and needed to be taken care of, and got a lot of work done.

Eleanor Roosevelt Quote

I made it to the gym after work and enjoyed 40 min on the treadmill, I made my delicious salmon and zucchini dinner (detail about this coming soon), and had some extra veggies to snack on as I watched old episodes of Nashville. Time to relax and unwind. Nothing makes things worse than stress and tense muscles.

Homemade meals
Baked salmon and sauteed zucchini over a bed of lettuce

I'm not sure what triggered my migraine the other day, it's been a while since I had one, could have been anything from stress, not enough water intake, not sleeping great the last few weeks, being around smokers, or even the new birth control pill I'm taking. I may never figure it out, but what I do know is that sometimes our bodies rebel on us and have something else in mind. My plan is to not let it bring me down for too long or worse get down on myself, because nothing good ever comes from doing that. Smile and move forward. Oh and hope I sleep through the entire night tonight! 

Inspirational Quote

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Summer Fun!

I love summer time. The warm sun on my skin (sorry mom I do love the sun), the sound of the ocean at the shore, the kids laughing in the nearby pool, the smell of sunscreen (see mom I do wear sunscreen), and the longer sunny days. I also love that with summer comes our yearly family trip to Point Pleasant Beach/Boardwalk.

I had decided to take off this past Friday and it worked out that all of us were free to go. From the moment we figured out it would work out I was excited. I love our time together, seeing my nieces smiles and hearing their belly laughs as we play games, watching my family relax and enjoy each other's company, walking along the boardwalk and talking with each other, and of course the gift shops. It's our time. I also admit I was feeling a little nervous this time. Along with all the fun usually comes all the food. You know which food I am talking about...funnel cakes, fried oreos, french fries, ice cream; the delicious list goes on and on. I have been doing so good eating healthy and enjoying it for a while now I was torn between letting loose and eating it all or behaving and eating as little as possible. All week it was rolling around my mind. One second I thought eh let loose enjoy just this once and then I would think it's one second of enjoyment and then lots of feeling yucky. What is a girl to do?

Friday morning I woke up and it was beautiful out. I decided that no matter what I ended up eating later a walk was still a great idea to start the day off right. I did a nice 4.6 mile walk around my town. I ate normal for most of the day not wanting to be starving later. For the first time in a long time when I got dressed for the boardwalk I didn't want to cry at my reflection in the mirror. I actually thought I looked pretty darn cute. Off we went.

Family Pictures

  Playing on the Sand

After walking around and playing games it was time to eat. I told myself to just check out the menu and I would know what to do. I thought about my cute outfit, I thought about my walk in the morning and I thought about how good I felt. The decision turned out to be pretty easy. I found a place that served salads fully of chicken, avocado, mozzarella cheese, fresh tomatoes on a bed of delicious mixed greens. That along with a bottle of water and I was very stuffed and very proud of myself.

Yummy Salad! Love they put avocado in it

We walked more, played games, went on some rides, and then my mom suggested walking on the sand. It felt like freedom walking along the sand and near the water. The wind blowing through our hair. Hearing my nieces giggle as the water got closer to their little toes. When we walked back onto the boardwalk it was time for ice cream before we were ready to call it a day and head back to the car. I thought to myself well you did great at dinner, you played lots of games and walked on the sand that has to burn some calories, you can have a small ice cream. I was waiting online with my sister and brother-in-law when my mom called my name to show me that right next to the ice cream place was a fresh fruit stand and they had my obsession blueberries. I decided that sounded way more appealing. I got a large mixed fruit cup and felt more like a giddy kid than had I gotten the ice cream or frozen coffee deliciousness that my sister and I usually get (yes she still got it and said it was delicious).

Games, rides, prizes and more games

Haha..My dessert picture was photo bombed by my very hungry dad 

We stopped at one last gift shop where my mom treated my to a beautiful coffee mug to add to my collection and then headed to the car. On the ride home I felt so happy inside. I had enjoyed the entire day and ate delicious food all while staying healthy. It was an amazing day and boy did I sleep good that night!! I look forward to our next family adventure.

My new coffee mug with breakfast the next morning

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Just One of Those Weeks

You know those days where before 9 am you already know it's going to be a rough one. The day starts with you fumbling through your morning routine. You get to work and realize you left a bag at home you needed and have to run home. You spill your coffee. You make it through the day and drag yourself to the gym and then find out your trainer resigned and now you have to start with someone new. Well that was my Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday were pretty similar. Now I am not writing all this to complain or make you feel bad for me, but I am writing this because of the outcome.

Funny Bad Mood

I woke up this morning and felt like a kid, I don't want to get out of bed. You can't make me...who am I trying to kid I am going to work. The good news is I like my job so it didn't take much to talk myself to get moving. I had some coffee, a good breakfast, packed my snacks and gym bag for later and off I went. Let's just say the week was being consistent. By the afternoon I was sitting at my desk thinking I need my couch, I am going to skip the gym tonight and just go home and relax and do nothing. The more I thought about it, the more I realized by not going to the gym later I was hurting myself more. I knew I would sit on the couch all night thinking about how I let myself down by not working out. I thought about how great it felt to get dressed for an event the other day and I didn't have to suck in my gut to feel good. I thought that it is just a bad week, but it's going to get better and when it's better I still want to feel good in my skin. Around the time I was thinking this my coworker came in and we ended up laughing about some silly stuff. I mean full on belly laughs, it felt great. My entire body enjoyed the feeling of laughter. I held onto that and my determination and went to the gym.  I didn't do weights but I did a great cardio workout and treated myself to some fresh fruit from the farmers market on my way home.

Respect Yourself

As I was enjoying my fresh fruit I got to thinking that a month ago a week like this would have brought me to me knees, well couch. I would have skipped the gym, picked up a bag of Doritos, a chocolate bar and regretted it all the next day. Now I know the week isn't over, but I feel stronger than I have in the past and confident in myself and that is a great feeling. Life happens, for the first time I think I might be onto something, how to deal with the good times and the not so good. So in sticking with the positive thinking I will say that I am hopeful the rest of the week is full of way more laughter and fun!

Every day smile and think positive

Monday, June 16, 2014

All or Nothing

Growing up my mom used to tell me to stop looking at things as either black or white; sometimes there is grey. It used to drive me crazy when she would say that, until I started realizing she was right. Mom if you are reading this, I am 100% admitting you are right and thank you for always saying that line to me. Gray area to me equals the middle of all or nothing.

I've been using this all or nothing mentality for the longest time with working out. Unless I could do a full high intensity workout I would think what is the point. Now I am learning that even a little bit is better than nothing. Some days, weeks, months, are busier than others so instead of saying I can't do an hour I won't do anything, I now do what I can. If I can give 20 minutes I give a hardworking 20 minutes.

The other thing I learned is that a little bit can go a long way. I fully admit that a few weeks ago I could not do one push up. Not even using my knees. I felt like such a let down to myself. I have recently become more determined than ever to nail push-ups. Every day I have to at least try. It may sound like a long process, but as of today I can do 6 beautiful push-ups and I am feeling pretty accomplished. I know I have lots of work ahead of me, but this is a great start and it is just a reminder that my hard work is paying off. It may not happen overnight like I would like but it is happening.

So drop and give me 10 or 6 or 1! Just don't stop trying.

I used my new ipad camera timer app. 
Pretty neat, but next time I promise better lighting

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Family Brunch

Happy Father's Day! I hope everyone had a fun filled day whether you were celebrating with your family or doing something else.

I decided to start the day off right, I went for a 4 mile walk with my headphones on and my energy high. My mom let me know halfway through that we would be celebrating the day over brunch. Okay I admit I was a little frustrated, my breakfast is my favorite part of my day and my routine after my walks is just as much enjoyable. After I was done with my walk, stretching, shower, and yes pouting I decided to not let it stop me from having a great time and off I went to my parent's house.

My mom was already cooking away in the kitchen and it smelled amazing! The good thing is my mom and I are really big into lower carbs/more protein meals. She was making eggs, bacon, sprinkle pancakes and even picked up a delicious fruit bowl. I was feeling pretty secure I could make it through this brunch and not completely blow my eating for the day.

But then it hit me, the growling stomach, I hadn't eaten since my walk and I was starving!! Okay Cindy remain calm, do not reach for the sprinkle pancakes. I reached for some fruit instead. Soon my growling calmed down and I found it was actually easier than I thought to not indulge in sprinkle pancakes, in fact, I didn't even want them. Now that was a very good feeling and I was feeling pretty proud of myself. I may have overindulged a bit with the grapes and blueberries, but I like to think that was better than indulging in pancakes and later cake.

We had a fun day and I'm guessing my dad did too, when I was leaving he was out cold in his recliner snoozing away, and I'm pretty sure there was a smile on his face.

I'm really thankful my family, especially my mom, respects my food choices and always has something yummy for me on hand. I can't even tell you the last time I saw my mom buy a fruit bowl, but it was absolutely a lifesaver for me today and I think she will be getting them again for future fun family events!!


Friday, June 13, 2014

Food for Thought

I have always known I was somewhat of an emotional eater in addition to a I'm sitting on the couch and want to munch eater. But either way, it wasn't hunger that was controlling my eating. I recently started reading the book "It Starts with Food" aka Whole 30 I am not done with the book yet, but I will say so far I have had more aha moments than I can count. There was a part in the book about certain foods and emotions being connected. This is how I interpreted what they said in the book; if you think happy when you eat Doritos your brain will associate with that feeling and the next time you need that happy you will crave those Doritos. The good news is that can be changed, the brain has to basically be rewired.

Fitness and Health
Chelsea keeping me company reading 

So there I was sitting on the couch and thought well if I can get happy feelings from Doritos I can definitely get happy feelings from the bowl of blueberries I was currently munching away on. So I closed my eyes and as I ate the blueberries I let myself truly enjoy every single taste and thought about happy things while eating them. I have continued to do this with blueberries and other healthy foods. On the flip side I have also tried, when I think about cookies, chips, and things that are not so healthy to think of how I felt last time. I try to remember every yucky feeling and how miserable I felt after and sometimes days after. Maybe now when my brain thinks about those foods it will think yuck no thanks that is no longer happy food. I have no idea if this is going to work.Will this new method of thinking hold me back when I am feeling particularly down from grabbing a chocolate bar or a bag of chips? Only time will tell, but I figure it's worth a shot.

Delicious Blueberries


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Food and Fun or Food and Flop

Does anyone else ever feel like food is the center of most events? Out with friends, work parties, business meetings, family gatherings, it's a Tuesday night :)  The last few months I have been enjoying playing around in the kitchen more. Learning about different meats, fish, and spices. I love shopping for fresh new finds and look forward to the meals I will make.  I like my bubble of eating, but I also know I can't hide from the outside world. 
Take this weekend for an example, I had a friends party to attend. I was very good during the day eating like normal. I even ate a small meal before going so I wouldn't be starving. By mid-way through the evening I found myself hungry and wandering to the food table. Yikes. Pasta everywhere!!! Then I saw there was a nice caesar salad and meatballs. Figuring that would be safer than the other choices I made myself a very small dish. I ate half the salad and half of the big meatball and prayed if my stomach rebelled it wouldn't be until later when I was home. Fast forward, I am home for 10 minutes with a massive bad headache, heartburn, and stomach ache. I woke up the next day feeling just as yucky and it took me a while to shake the feelings. Thank you acid reflux attacking my system.
That night I went out to dinner with my family. At this point I still feel sort of yucky, but a little better and hungry. I order a steak and veggies, but that night my body was in overload and I once again was feeling like I got hit by a truck. I called my mom the next day telling her I felt like I had been poisoned. After many hours and endless warm water and gum chewing I finally got the acid under control and was able to function somewhat again.

Steakhouse Fun
Dinner out with the family 
mmm steak, eggs, and bacon

Sorry for the long background story, but it all leads up to my feelings of I wish I could just always make my own food. I like knowing what's in it and where it came from. I used to love eating out with friends and family and now I feel like each event, function, and get together is a bit painful. I wonder if it will ever get easier or I will always feel like great, what now or deprived because I didn't join in eating. Sometimes I avoid going out with friends because I know there is nothing on the menu I want to eat. 
I'm starting to feel like you can have your health or you can have your fun, but rarely at the same time. If that's the case, I choose health. 