Sunday, January 4, 2015

Picture Hanging Mission Accomplished

I pride myself on the fact that for the most part if there is something I want to do or want done, I do it. If I want to try zucchini, I find out how to cook it and then try. Sure I have had some epic failures, like the time I tried to make taco meat and it came out tasting like rubber and for some reason my tongue was tingling for about an hour. But I tried. There has always been one thing that I refused to try. Hang pictures.  

Last April my family and I redid my bathroom. Truth, they did most of the work so that I didn't have to take off from work, but I pitched in whenever I was home. It came out absolutely incredible!! Since April, the only thing left to do was hang things on the walls. So since April those poor walls, in my beautiful bathroom remained bare, because I was too chicken to hang pictures and make a mistake.  

How to renovate a bathroom
My bathroom remodel Those yellow walls had to go!
It truly was a family project.  Who knew my bathroom could mean so much to me

I know I know, sounds silly, but it's true. I would wait for my dad to be available to come over and hang things, but weekends were meant for fun things, not hanging pictures, so I would forget to ask him to come over. My mom and sister would encourage me to try, but I refused. I'm pretty sure my irrational fear of hanging pictures stemmed from not wanting to fail. What if I didn't put the nail in the right place and now I had crooked pictures and hole in the wall? I would have to move..okay maybe a little dramatic.  But you see where my thoughts were at...until recently. 

DIY Project for the family
Huge difference.
This is why I didn't want to mess up the walls with holes

Time to conquer fears. I woke up one day recently, tired of my blank white walls in my beautiful bathroom. I had already picked out what I wanted on the walls, months ago, I just had to do it. So I went and got my little tool kit, took a deep breath, tried to remember the steps my dad would always take when hanging things. Biggest thing, match the nail to back hangy thing (technical term) on the picture NOT the top of the frame. 

Black and Decker tool kit
My little tool kit has been with me since I first bought my place
So how did it come out you ask?? Gorgeous. I love how it came out! It really is amazing how just adding those few pieces to the wall brightened up the entire room. The best part, I did it! Every time I walk in the bathroom I smile...yeah that sounds weird, but it's true. I am so proud of myself for finally conquering that fear of mine. Now as I find great pieces for my walls, I won't be afraid to come home from the store and hang them. No more waiting almost a year. Bring on the DIY (Do It Yourself) Fun. This girl is on a role. 

Wall art
Tada!  Yup I did that

Home decorating tips
Just what the walls needed to add character


  1. It looks great! And if I had a dollar for every extra hole behind my wall art, I could get a nice prime rib dinner at my favorite steak restaurant....about 3 times over. LOL

    Have a great Sunday, sweet girl!

  2. Thank you Gwen! Haha glad I am not alone with the extra holes...but I love the idea of a prime rib dinner! Hope you enjoy and get to relax a little today!!
