Thursday, January 15, 2015

Eat What?

Eat carbs, don't eat carbs. Stay very low calorie, eat back your exercise calories. Macros. Keto. Weight lifting. Cardio. Primal. Paleo. Weight watchers. Nutrisystem.

HELP!  I am so confused and just want to get it right

Is anyone else completely confused when it comes to health and weight loss? My weight loss at this moment has stalled. I am frustrated and depending on who you talk to or what you read you get different information.

I was always taught calories in and calories out most important. Recently I was told I need about 1600 calories to lose weight and workout...but that seems like a lot for me. Just to add to the craziness I am now learning about macros (protein, fat, carbs).

weight loss help
See, this explains a lot!

So here is what I do know. I like to eat as clean as possible, reading ingredient lists now freaks me out on some processed foods. Sugar makes me feel terrible for days. Eating the wrong carbohydrates also make me feel terrible and I get this awful stomach bloat. My body loves fat (not on me, but eaten). I love lifting weights and working out and I am told I have to increase my carb intake to improve my muscles, but what about my stomach if I do that....

Hmm, maybe I should try this way of eating

I know there isn't a magic pill for weight loss and health, but come on there has to be a better way than this!!

Is that low calorie or a high fat way of eating

I just want to be healthy, have great workouts, get kick ass sexy muscles, and lose some weight.... thanks for letting me rant and if you are going through the same thing, I feel your pain and feel free to write to me.


  1. Hi Cindy, if you're still wondering about real nutrition you HAVE to see V.E.M.M.A.(.com) products.
    These are OPTIMUM nutrition, taken daily by thousands globally and come in varieties for age groups.
    Verve is amazing and is hugely popular worldwide. THEN you can eat whatever you want !
    ISLAND VEMMA on Facebook is my personal page which you might "like".

  2. Since I don't work on muscle building, I cannot address that. Try Marion? Listen to your body re foods. And try not to worry too much. Weight stalls just does. Trust your process.

    1. Thanks Gwen!! I like that phrase Trust your process.. Good reminder. I'm going to just do what I know and hope for the best.

  3. You can always tweak as you move along...that's why the scale is so helpful. You eat something and balloon up; it's either the food itself, or too much salt on it. You eat something and it gives you a tummy stop eating it. Let your body's signals, whether it's weight or pain or your choices going forward. That's what Karen calls n = 1 testing. You being "n." :)

  4. I like that approach Gwen! It's a great way to gauge how my day was and if I should cut something out.
