Saturday, August 2, 2014

Slow Progress is Still Progress

I wish the scale and my body would figure out faster how hard I am working to be healthy and lose weight. Dropping weight quickly has never been in the cards for me, but now that I know certain things like sugar, too many carbs, and not enough good fat were slowing me down, I have been making progress, but oh so slow. I look at some people who can cut back just a little and poof the pounds fade off, I admit I get jealous of them. I think about all of the cookies, Doritos, french fries, pizza I am not eating and how my progress is still slow. I'm pretty sure I am not the only one out there feeling like this. There has to be someone out there thinking I didn't eat the darn chips at the party why can't my pants fit just a little better. In my make believe world  I think you should lose an inch just for NOT eating all of that, wouldn't that be nice!? Too bad it doesn't work like that. 

So there I was getting dressed this morning with the above thoughts in my head and then really looked again in the mirror. Sure I wish it would happen quicker and I would wake up one day with six pack abs and be able to eat cookies, but yeah I don't think that's my reality. Then I switched up my thoughts, I thought about where I was this time last year. Struggling so much. Crying that my shorts from the previous summer no longer fit, all the weight I had lost in the past I put back on and then some. Wearing clothes that didn't make me feel good inside but the got the job done of covering me up, and always tired. This summer, I am still not able to wear the little shorts from previous summers, but I am wearing smaller ones and cute shirts to show off my hard work, I have energy to workout and chase my nieces around the field. I never gave up on myself. I am always adjusting and reevaluating. Trying new things and willing myself to keep trying. It would be so easy to eat the cookies, but the aftermath wouldn't be easy, because for me, it is not just one cookie, it is one BAG of cookies. Instead of spending time pouting about my slow progress this morning, I flipped it and thought about how far I have come and that felt great!  

Feeling fat and overweight
We all have that one picture that
inspires us to step up and take charge.
This was mine, I felt miserable in my own skin

I wish I could show you more pictures of me before but I can't. I was not only a master at wearing clothes that would hide me, but I was also a master at hiding from the camera. The picture above is after I already lost a little, but really lit a fire under my butt and got me moving and eating better. 

Gym and working out and nutrition
These pics are about 4 months apart
The pictures on the left is me getting ready to start working out for the first time in years!

The picture above is my first progress comparison photo. This time I decided to take pictures along the way so I can SEE the progress. It's a slight difference but enough that makes me remember why I am doing this every day. You know the saying..Every little bit counts, well I say that is so true!

Be proud of your progress no matter how small or slow!!

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