Monday, June 6, 2016

Relax and Prep for the Week

Hope everyone had a nice weekend. Any fun new adventures? Mine was pretty low key but very nice and relaxing

I got to spend time with my family Saturday and then friends Saturday night. Sunday I finished my errands, prepared for the upcoming week, and relaxed a lot!I stayed with my Weight Watchers points for most of the week, but last night I did dip into my weeklies as I enjoyed some sweet potato chips.

For me, preparing for the week means meal prepping. I know that if I don't cook food ahead of time I will without a doubt eat the wrong foods and then feel very yucky! The last few weeks I have kept it pretty simple and the same, crockpot shredded chicken. I love it.

low carb chicken breast recipe
Crockpot shredded easy to make!!

Shredded Chicken:
- Chicken breast:  I usually put in about 4 thick pieces.
- Chicken Broth:  My favorite is Pacific Brand. I just put a enough in the crockpot to cover the bottom and touch the sides of the chicken. You really don't need much, this just makes sure it doesn't dry out. 
Pacific Brand is super delicious!

- Spices that you like: I love Bragg Mix
healthy paleo cooking ideas
I love Braggs. I also use this brand for my apple cider vinegar
Put everything in the crockpot. I set mine for 6.5 hours on high. It will also depend on how thick your chicken is and if you are putting in frozen or not. Yes I have forgotten to defrost and put them in frozen, they taste just as delicious!!

At my Weight Watchers meeting last week we talked about switching things up to make sure you don't get bored of the food you are eating, when you get bored you get off track. I couldn't agree more for myself!! So for this week, in addition to my shredded chicken I am also cooking up some 93% lean beef burgers. I found them at Target and love them! I cook them up in a skillet and usually mix with a salad or side veggies. 

paleo and low carb meat ideas
Target find!  They were also on sale..score!!

Cooked on the skillet. Quick and easy to do

In addition, I picked up strawberries and bananas instead of my routine oranges. 

I'm looking forward to see how my week goes and my weigh-in Wednesday with me switching things up. 

Do you meal prep? If you do I would love to know what you are making. I'm always looking for new ideas.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Kids, Bikes, and Pepperoni Oh My!

Once again I failed to keep up with my posting. I promise I will get better. Some highlights from  last weekend...

I was off Friday so I got a nice long weekend. I will try and do that more often. It was nice to be away from the office for a little. Back to the weekend was truly a mix of relaxing and fun. Friday afternoon I had my nieces, all to myself. This was a first and won't be the last! I love spending time with those girls so much. They even put together a list of goodies I should keep at my place for the next time they come over. I'm really looking forward to more opportunities over the summer to have them and spend time with them. I did sleep good that night! 

My nieces, Ashley and Kaitlyn! 
Saturday morning I went bicycle riding with my dad. Now that may not seem like much to some, but this was my first time on a bike since I was 12! My very brave dad let me borrow his spare bike, he got it all set for me, and took me out around town. I was so very nervous. He was very patient! At first I was wobbly and couldn't go straight, but towards the end of the ride I was mostly stable and enjoying. I could still use some work on my turns and stopping quickly. The only reason we stopped was because my butt was killing me! It's now 2 days later and my butt is still sore lol! I had a blast, might invest in a better seat so I can ride with him more. It was also really fun switching up my workout.  

Thankfully my coworker lent me a helmet

My dad! He was so patient and calm with me
Saturday afternoon was spent relaxing at the pool and then my mom, sister, and nieces came for fun in the pool. I was glad I brought a packet of almonds because I was hungry! Saturday night was spent at a friend's house just chatting around the table with goodies and having fun. The rest of the weekend was mostly relaxing and some errands.

I can't believe it's already coming to an end and back to work tomorrow, but I'm glad I enjoyed every minute I could. As for eating...well did you know Weight Watcher's weekly points can go into the negative? They can. I didn't drink or eat enough during the day and at night it usually backfired. I ate my pantry and at my friend's house I overate pepperoni and kielbasi. Sure it was better than chips and pretzels and was at least low carb, but calories are calories. And I ate lots and lots of very portable almonds this weekend. 

I will find my summer rhythm with food and getting hydrated, since I can't undo the weekend goofiest just said oh well and moved on. I'm tired of beating myself up all the time if I am not perfect. 

Finally, last but not least, today I started my new Beachbody workout called Insanity Max 30. Let me tell you this workout is no joke!! None stop for 30 minutes. When you take a break that's when you "max out". My first cardio challenge workout and I maxed out at 12 minutes. That is now my time to beat. My goal is 5 lbs gone by July 4! There it is in writing. 

No joke this workout is crazy intense and so good! 

I was a sweaty mess after my first Insanity Max 90 workout   

Can you feel my determination!!! 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

App Find and Weight Watchers Update

Last night was my weekly weigh-in and the scale and I are still speaking; I am down .2. Now I know some people think oh that's it, but when you are someone who has struggled so much with weight loss you see down .2 as a successful week. To me any week the scale doesn't go up is a successful week! Also, add in that I haven't been sleeping thanks to stress, allergies and sinus issues and add in not working out because I was afraid of my balance and the .2 loss means even more. Yay me!

weight loss results
A small loss is better than a small gain
I will take .2

Now more fun finds...

As an executive assistant/office manager I don't have a very active work life, meaning most of the time I'm behind my desk. I was watching my FitBit numbers one day and thought wow that's all I do in a day..I could do better. I realized once I get involved in my work I lose all track of time, so I found an app for my phone that actually reminds me to get up and move! It's free and called "Stand Up".

healthy phone apps
This is what the app looks like on an Iphone

You can program it to which days you want reminders and the length of time between reminders. I started with just weekdays, but then last week when I was lazy I turned it on to get me moving a little. I have it set to go off every 35 minutes. You can customize the reminder message that pops up, mine says "Get Moving!!!!!".

healthy and fitness apps
My settings
Very easy to set up!

FitBit steps
This is what the message looks like
when it pops up on my lock screen

I have seen my FitBit numbers increase so much. I've also noticed I'm more productive at work from taking those quick breaks and moving my body. 

If you are like me and struggle to get your steps in I highly recommend checking out this app. Also, if you don't already have a FitBit or some form of tracker I recommend one of those too. Want to know more about FitBit, check out my previous post "Keep Moving The FitBit Way" It has made me so much more aware of my activity or lack of during the day. 

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Catch Up and Next Week

Sunday night. The moment you realize the weekend is officially over and a new week starts. I spent most of the weekend relaxing and doing nothing. I didn't sleep that great last week so it was nice to just do a quick cleaning, some errands, and then sit down, watch tv, and take naps.

sleeping relaxing kitten
Abby was very happy about the relaxing and taking naps portion of the weekend
I love snuggling with her

I did go to my friends' house Saturday night for dinner and a movie. It's so nice having friends who respect my lifestyle choices and have even started their own health journey!! Although we all had a good laugh when I busted out my food scale. What not everyone travels with their food scale?? Ha. I love my friends who get me! They made chicken breast, veggies, and salad.  I did also bring my own dressing for the salad.They have both recently started following a low carb diet lifestyle. I am so proud of them and the healthy changes they are learning to incorporate into their daily lives.Jerry, was told he was pre-diabetic a couple of months ago and decided then it was time to change. We talked about different meals and things he could do and now his wife is also following the plan. It's really fun watching them do it as a couple and they are both losing weight and feeling healthier and better about themselves!!

Healthy lifestyle choices
Scale and dressing packed and ready to go.
Good thing my parents got me a beautiful big bag for my birthday.

Last week at my Weight Watchers meeting I was so excited because I lost the .8 I gained the week before and I took off an additional 1.2lbs! Woohoo! Although I admit at one point I went, ugh so much more to go and can I do it. Well yes I can I reminded myself! I'm following weight watchers, I am working out, and the support I have received from my friends makes me feel like the impossible can be accomplished. This time I am losing the weight the healthy way. I am making peace with eating and food choices. It may take longer to lose it but at least I know this time it will stay lost!!

Home fitness workouts
Feeling good.
Beachbody workout at 5 am is how I start my day.

So as the weekend comes to an end I sit here and think what can I improve or do better next week...

Conquer your goals
Set the goals, write them down, and achieve them!

1) less nighttime snacking. Even though I may have points I believe nighttime snacking isn't great for my body's digestion

2) try and add in 1 or 2 days extra of cardio. Hoping the weather improves so I can get out walking again. I'm even hoping my dad will teach me how to bike ride! 

3) drink more water! 

4) speak kindly to myself and know that on days when maybe getting dressed because nothing fits right is a challenge I remind myself I am on the right path and to stay strong! Soon those clothes will fit better than ever. 

What are your healthy, either mentally or physically, for the upcoming week? 

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Non Scale Victories

Sorry for the delayed update, but I got some major downtime last week and took it! When I could sit on the couch and do nothing I did just that, and enjoyed every second of it. Now that I'm done being lazy it's time for an update.

At my Weight Watchers weigh-in last week the scale went up .8. Now, I must say it was expected. The biggest reason being it was the time of the month most women's scales go up. Nothing I can do about that but go with it. I will admit that even though I was expecting the numbers to be up it was still disappointing to see. I was bummed. Went into an old way of thinking that I call panic mode. Should I change up, should I stop eating carbs, did I go off my paleo-type eating, should I not eat my weeklies, maybe Weight Watchers doesn't work....

Slow and steady wins the race. Weight Watchers is teaching me how to eat for life for success. 

Meeting time..and I'm so happy I stayed. I listened to the many victories of the week, instead of feeling bad because I didn't have a scale victory it was a reminder to me to trust the program. Stick with it. No need for panic mode. All these people telling their victory of the week stories, soon I will be one of them. Plus when I shared how bummed I felt, I received so much support and some new ideas from the group. One person suggested keeping nail polish by my couch in case I get the night time munchies. If my nails are wet, I can't eat. As the meeting went on my leader started talking about non-scale victories and it really got me thinking of my own personal victories of the week not related to the scale, but still victories. 

The scale can only tell you numbers

The biggest for me being for the first time in months and months I didn't binge, not even one night. I've said it before and admit it fully, I am an emotional eater. Last week I didn't eat my emotions. If I was going through something I wrote about it in my journal, went to bed when I was tired, calmed myself down with walking around my condo, admitted to how I was feeling and was honest with myself. Once I realized that success I cheered myself on repeating to myself I didn't binge!! Huge success in my book and just because the scale didn't show me numbers I wanted to see I still consider my last week a huge success and I'm so proud of myself! 

Saw this on and it's the truth. I will stick with the original problem and deal with it!

Never forget your non scale victories!!!  I'm definitely hoping for some scale victories soon, but for now I will take my non scale victories and be happy with them. Please feel free to share your stories with me. I've recently started a Facebook page called Healthy Living with Cindy. Come join me and let's support each other. 

Friday, May 6, 2016

Weight Watchers Wednesday

Absolutely wonderful! Fabulous! Best decision ever! What am I talking about you ask?? The Weight Watchers meeting I attended Wednesday night. I loved it from the second I walked into the room. Everyone made me feel very welcomed and excited to be there. The leader, Val, met with the newbies before the meeting to go over the plan and tell us about herself. She lost 135 lbs with Weight Watchers. Very inspiring. When I told Val that I had tried Weight Watchers in the past, but gave up, she smiled and looked at me and said "welcome home". That is exactly how I felt.

success for weight loss
Lots of fun new information provided at the meeting!

Just in case I had any doubt, that nights meeting was based on emotional eating! Yup I was definitely in the right place. I felt so comfortable with Val and the entire group that I spoke up and shared my most recent battles with emotional eating and jars of peanut butter. Not one person in that room looked at me like I was crazy or weak. They laughed with me as I rehashed my looking at the bottom of many empty jars stories, and went on to share their stories as well.

From the website
After one meeting I can confirm all of this!

I'm so glad I decided to switch my membership to attend meetings. I can't wait to conquer the weekend of eating and go back next Wednesday night to see Val and all my new friends.
Using measuring tools for healthy success
 I purchased these from the meeting. They collapse so small I keep them in my purse
Now I am always prepared!

Monday, April 25, 2016

21 Day Fix and Weight Watchers

Today I officially started my second round of 21 Day Fix, and I also restarted with Weight Watchers. I was originally planning on starting my second round of 21 2 weeks ago, but decided to take a week off and then one week turned into two. No good. I was starting to miss the baby muscles I had begun to see after the first round.

Beach Body Workout
21 Day Fix Calendar..Bring it on!

Beyond the scale
The new program focuses on more than just the number on the scale

I got up a 5:00 a.m. this morning with determination and by 5:30 a.m. I was sweating and feeling really proud of myself. It amazing how much of a difference 2 weeks makes; exercises that I was actually upping weights on were now causing me to get out of breath quicker. Good thing I didn't let it go past 2 weeks.

Working out progress
This was after round 1 of 21 Day Fix...
Can't wait to see 2nd round results!

My decision to start Weight Watchers was a pretty easy one as well. I had success in the past, when I actually followed the program and my bestie Debbie is a lifer. I hear her stories and see her success and know it works. I love that Weight Watchers allows me a little freedom to eat regular food, have some fun, and more than anything it will keep me accountable for my eating actions. I am mentally in a great place right now which helps, I know life will have stressful moments but if I start to incorporate good habits now, I am hoping they will stick during the difficult times.

This week I have 2 eating out events, ugh, eating my own food is always easier because I can pick it and know it and control it, eating out brings a whole other set of challenges and that does even include is the food gluten free, rice free, potato free and lactose free....

How to eat out being gluten free, lactose free
Caution..Food I didn't make ahead!  Beware of unknown ingredients!

Tomorrow is the first event, a golf outing for work. No I don't play, but I do get to ride around in the golf course and take pictures. My day will start with my 21 Day Fix workout, "Upper Fix". Then off to the country club. I will eat my own breakfast before going, most likely a paleo shake with almond butter. Yum! Then later in the afternoon we stop for lunch at the halfway house, last year I got a turkey wrap with cheese...that will not work this year. No to wrap and no to cheese...hmmm. I could take the turkey off the wrap but how filing is that. Anyway...after golf there is a dinner reception, this is the hard one because there is sooo much delicious food. So my plan....try my best to make the best choices I can and most importantly TRACK everything I eat. That is the best I can do, maybe I will be hungry if I have small portions of good but not low point foods, but that is a chance I have to take. I am committed to making this program work for my life.

Yeah not happening this year... And that's not a lot of turkey to take off the wrap

The second eating out event is dinner with Debbie. The good news is, it's with Debbie, my lifetime WW bestie. We are going to Applebees so I will just check the menu before dinner and see the points. The WW app is super easy to use and look up points.

My bestie!!  And WW lifetimer
I am so excited to start seeing results from using both programs. I want my baby muscles back! I like them a lot and I wouldn't mind my size smaller pants fitting again :)

Stay tunes for more updates!