Thursday, October 9, 2014

Mind Over Body For Success

Last week was my first full week back to the gym since the beginning of summer. I started with my new trainer Mark and made some new gym buddies. I loved being back in the gym atmosphere. I switched up my cardio a little to break away from my safe treadmill, have you ever heard of a seated elliptical? I definitely didn't until that day and now I love it. The guy next to me had to show me where all of the adjustments were, but once I got going I was hooked. The biggest change was the new trainer.  My first trainer when I joined the gym started off great and then went down hill, I wasn't sad when he was no longer at the gym, the next trainer was okay but definitely didn't keep me coming back for more (hello summer off). I spoke to the assistant manager before setting my appointment and after talking to her a few minutes she said she knew exactly who I should train with. I went with her gut and set the appointment. I am so happy I did.

Fall in love with the process.....
I want working out to be a part of my every day life.
If I enjoy the process, I will come back for more

Mark is amazing!! I now workout with him two times a week. The first time we met it was mostly to go over food, my goals and expectations, took all of my measurements and even did my weight and body fat % (yikes). Next was our workout, it was tough, but I enjoyed it. For the first time I was sweating and feeling like I was really working towards my goal of not just weight loss, but overall tone and health. The next workout was ouch. What I really like about the workouts he teaches, is that I feel confident enough to go in and do it by myself on days I am not training with him. One the biggest reasons I had for getting a trainer was to learn how to do it on my own, without being afraid.
Good for myself, my daughter to be Mom one day, and my grands! All around good advice. ;-)
Knowledge is power...
When I am done with my training sessions,
I will know how to continue my workout success and not be afraid
I also love that he not only pushes me, but he encourages as well. He is such a positive influence and has this amazing energy to be around, he somehow even manages to keep me laughing throughout my workout. Last night's workout was legs. Mark pushed me to the point where my legs felt like jello and shaking all over. I was dripping with sweat and at one point was ready to give up. He wouldn't let me, he kept telling me to push myself, to do it for myself, I had it in me and not to give up. At that point, instead of thinking about my jello legs I concentrated on his words. I thought about my body and how I want it to look. I thought about all my hard work and how good it was feeling. I thought about not letting myself down and not letting him down. I could do and I did do it. I finished all my reps and went through the entire workout routine. I was exhausted, sweaty, and shaking, and couldn't have been more proud of myself. I also can not wait to workout with him again next week.

leg day #exercise Day after @Cathy Ma Ma Ma Boehl leg exercise. Right @Chelsea Rose Rose Rose K
This is exactly how I felt walking this morning!!
At least I was laughing while trying to walk

I realized sometimes it's your mind letting you down, telling you to give up or you can't do something. I believe for the most part if we tell our mind to be quiet for a second, be positive instead of negative, and believe in ourselves you can accomplish anything!!

Inspiring Fitness Quotes
I'm not done until Mark says I am done,
 and then he tells me to do more
And yes my legs are hurting big time today, but I will still be in the gym this afternoon for my cardio routine telling my head to be quiet I can do it.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you found a real mentor like that! YAY you! I'm sure it and your hard work will pay off splendidly!
