Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Every Day New Start

I've been dieting for as long as I can remember, the scale goes up and down. But now I am doing more than trying to get skinny; I am trying to get healthy overall. I found out a few years ago that I have PCOS, which messes with my insulin levels. I also learned that trying to ignore it will not make it go away. A few months ago I decided to go low carb, like say 20 carbs a day. It went okay. I lost a few pounds. Yay. My best friend, Debbie, encouraged me to join a gym, so off I went to join and discovered I loved it!! I started working out a minimum of 3 days a week 30 minutes and built up from there and got myself trainer. I started to notice that after the gym my energy levels were non-existent and as the days went on I was clumsy (more than usual), lacked energy, and incredibly grumpy. I found myself one miserable early morning searching my kitchen for something and found a box of cheerios I had stashed. I can not tell you how much I loved every single cheerio bite!  When I told Debbie, about eating the cheerios and the last few weeks she explained to me that my body needed more carbs for energy. The right carbs. She helped me figure out I was actually doing more harm than good.  
I've spent the weeks since then adding in carbs, the right ones as she put it.  I felt so much better. My energy levels were through the roof. I felt like I could workout better and stronger and wanted to. I even had energy after my workout. But lately I noticed I was craving more and more sugary things. I looked back in my tracker and realized my carb intake had sky rocketed. Noticed it a little too late. Last night I was sitting on my couch and started getting a headache, then the cravings, oh how I hate to admit this, I became a crazy women searching for anything and everything chocolate. Next thing I knew I was sitting on the kitchen floor with a bag of unmade cookie dough picking out the chocolate chips. I hit rock bottom. I went to bed feeling even worse.
I woke up this morning with renewed ideas. I had to get my carbs and sugar under control. Yes there is good and really bad carbs, but for some, carbs and sugar are way more dangerous and need to be carefully kept in check. But most importantly I realized that every single day that I get up and regroup and try again is a success. The scale might not think so and my pants may yell at me tomorrow, but they will thank me again, because I am not going to give up on myself. I am worth it.
Remember that as long as you try every day, prepare healthy meals, workout a little harder and keep going you are a success and please don't ever give up on yourself. I know I won't.

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